What are The Best Google Analytics Alternatives?
As an online marketer, you understand that analytics is a huge part of understanding why visitors to your website are behaving the way they do. So, if you’re not closely monitoring how users are interacting with the site, you’ll not know how to further improve it.
In the online marketing, SEO, and advertising space Google Analytics is the default choice for just about everyone. It is accessible, free and shows most of what you may want to know. However, on the flip side, Google Analytics is a chore to use. Not only that but the thought of handing over loads of data to one of the biggest businesses on the planet may make you feel uncomfortable. That said nothing is stopping you from checking out the competition!
Gauges is an affordable alternative to Analytics. Its biggest standout feature is ease of use and its focus on real-time traffic stats. It works similar to Google Analytics but the data is actionable and plenty, laid out in an easy to understand manner.
Gauges shows how many users are coming to your website and from where. But also where they are going from your website. A flash free dashboard means that it is even easy to access and view all this information via your smartphone.
SE Ranking
Another powerful tool that gives users a comprehensive analysis of their website. Using it allows you to find out who exactly is visiting and where most of your traffic is coming from.
Other useful features include custom reports, the ability to track rankings, GA integration, competitor monitoring, paid web analytics services, backlinks monitoring, and social media activity monitoring.
Perhaps SE Ranking’s most significant selling point is its clean interface which breaks all that information down into a digestible format. Diagrams and graphics coupled with tips and tricks make it a worthy investment for a serious internet marketer.
Which One Should You Choose?
Honestly while both the above and many others are touted as Google Analytics alternatives, they can’t compete directly with the big ‘G.’ The reason being that you want to optimize the site for Google in most cases. So, you see most of which Google sees via the Analytics platform which makes analysis and optimization easier.
That said Keyword Advertising is a fully Google Analytics Certified professional who can help maximize your results by using data from GA’s platform. Not only that but Google Analytics can be set up to provide the most information and that too without having to pay a dime!